Holly has things to do. Holly must procrastinate. Holly writes. (*sigh) such is my fate. So sorry that updating has been slow. I've always avoided letting this become the typical diary blog where I tell you everything that happened in my day, I assure all of you it isn't nearly interesting enough to warrent the consumtion of any plane in the void that is the internet, though perhaps more worthy than much of what is out there, CONFORM I WILL NOT! Anyway not much has caught my eye so day to day occurances are all I have for you.
Moving right along. I tend to be realistic in my expectation of the world and consequently all the people in it. I wouldn't say I'm cynical, most would but I wouldn't, however I don't like to get my hopes up about anything because I prefer to live a life of no expectations and consistantly be surprised than bounce around blissfully naive with only frequent jolts back to reality that feel something like a 4x4 to the face when expectaitons fail to come to fruition. That being stated me and my "realistic" perspective received one of those plesent surprises on Monday afternoon circa 2:45pm while I was leaving class on the way to my car. It had started to rain pretty hard and since it had been clear when I left my house I wasn't prepared. So in my light sweater, anything but waterproof shoes, and my umbrella saftely on the passenger seat of my car I sighed and gave myself up to the fact that I would be hopelessly soaked very soon. Or would I? As I began on my way I heard a voice behind me, "Would you like to share my umbrella?" I turned around to see a very kind young man smiling pleasently entirely willing to asist me in keeping dry. His name turned out to be Ryan and we enjoyed a quaint conversation until we parted ways and I excused myself saying it was nice to meet him and his umbrella. Ryan. Yes he has definitely had a way of making me more optomistic about the fate of mankind's character. I don't see how I could but I feel a deep need to bake him cookies, just to show my appreciation for his simple gesture.
Hmmm, maybe I'll just bake cookies and give them to some random person who looks hungry and then it'll be like returning the favor. Yes, perhaps that's what I'll do...