Saturday, December 31, 2005

Rain Rain Go Away!

Well the unthinkable is happening in our town, FLOODING! DUN DUN DUN!!! Actually, it isn't completely unthinkable just incredibly inconvenient. It took me an hour to get home last night, or this morning rather, from a friend's which is only one mile away. Weather in our area is mild to say the least, and wardrobe changes from season to season consist of trading in flip-flops for converse. It's snowed once in the past 18 years and it's crazy weird if it get above 100 degrees. Yes we are spoiled, and completely unaccustomed to nature "disasters"....? Anyway, it wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't stranded at home with nothing to do. My parents went to Oregon to visit family and work was cancelled because the parking lot is flooded. I have to start cleaning for a New Years eve party all of this just sort of makes life more interesting! Well heres hoping that all of you are staying dry or, if you're not, at least enjoying every moment of being hopelessly soaked.

For your reading pleasure and overal enlightenment here are some facts about rain:

+There are three general types of rain: orographic, frontal and convective.

+Rainfall intensity can be ‘light’, ‘moderate’, or ‘heavy’. Heavy rain falls at a rate greater than four millimetres per hour.

+Roughly speaking, one inch of rain falling over an area of one acre, has a weight of one ton.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

"It's coming up"

I really love music, yes I know what you're thinking "who doesn't" but I do think I have a particular affection for it. It's complicated I'll leave it at that. Anyway I've been trying to no avail to figure out what the heck they're repeating over and over in that Gorillaz song "Dare" which is fabulous by the way. Well I gave in and just looked them up, and yes I admit to playing the song and reading the lyrics to satisfy my need to finally sing along without making up words. I'll shut up before you think too little of me, here are the lyrics so that you all can be spared of a fate similar to my own. YES I'M A TOTAL DORK! and what's even dorkier is that I love that about myself!

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Loving Life! REALLY!!!!

2 Random things:

  1. Ethan Hawke totally looks like an elf
  2. and lastly I'd like to give a shout out to our rogue commenter Micah who chose a splendid song for his xanga site (that's my favorite one and I think it's stupid that all their others were way more popular; whatever, works for me)

Monday, December 26, 2005

The big bad monster named adulthood

Christmas is over, I can't say that I'm sad to see it go. I had a great one but it's nice to get back to normal and begin the arduous uphill battle that it balancing my checking account; I have no idea how much money I have left, or rather how little money. Currently I'm just assuming I don't have any. OH MY GOODNESS I just remembered that I forgot to clock out at work. Oh well I can't do anything now. This unfortunate ralization does bring me to the fact that I recently got a job, at The Gap. Yes I know utterly cliche and teenagegirlesque but what can I say they were willing and I need the money terribly. It's not so bad, it keeps me busy which is a plus and a minus. Right off the bat it's taken time away from fun things I've wanted to do but I of course knew that going into it so I have nothing to complain about. The Christmas tree farm was good experiencewise but this is definitely my first "real job" and I can tell the difference. I think I should just kiss my social life goodbye! Wow that's so sad. I'm not thoroughly enjoying this transition into adulthood, I'll tell you how I feel after I get paid, hopefully that will change things. I need some encouragement people! I'm dreading leaving behind my youth and endless freedom. What am I really gaining through all of this. (If you say anything like maturity or wisdom I'll kick you!)

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Black is not a color

I just finished my math final!!!!! Tomorrow at this time I will be the happiest person ever. I have a history final at 7am (ick) and then I'm going to submit all of my english papers and then I'm DONE, at least for a month. Right when I finished my final I went to sell back some of my text books and I must say it was a horrific experience. I paid $135 for my math text and $52 for a philosophy book I never used and get this for the former I received $25! and the latter $12. I almost cried. C'est la vie, my spirits weren't too terribly dashed, though as I was leaving I tripped on this rug and preceded to run into not one, but TWO doors. The only thing that ever really bothers me about incedences like these is that I'm usually alone when they happen it's just weird if I laugh at myself. Sometimes, well actually all the time I wonder about myself. How is it that I can think so much about everything except the door....I mean doors, in front of me. I'm going to move on I feel stupid just writing all this down.

Some weird things have popped into my head of late concerning odd things that I love, not just like. Here's the list:
  • The way people look when it's super cold outside and they smile. There's something about a person's face in the cold it really does everyone justice
  • Going for walks really early in the morning
  • Having meaningful discussions with little kids
  • falling asleep when you're not alone and you know whoever else is around will be awake while you aren't
  • surprises
  • long drives late at night
  • campfires
  • when people say they were just thinking of you
  • writing letters
  • When people look you directly in the eye before and after they hug you
  • irises (the flowers)

I could add a few, but this is the jist of it. I think you could sum a few of these up by just saying that I love when people are incredibly sincere, I can tell the difference and it means a lot. I love joking around and being sarcastic just as much as the next person however I value sincerity above all else. What do you value?

Monday, December 12, 2005

Doodler Extrodinaire

I Love Me Because....

Alright, I've know Mary for 8 years now and it's come to my atention that she is in desperate need of some more self-confidence. She is insecure by no means however I think she needs to change her perspective a little. So I'm making her do this: Mary you must (in a post not a comment) say your five favorite things about yourself, actually make that seven I like that number better. And to the rest of you, I'm still waiting on your comments so if you chose to leave one for this post or her response it must also answer this question. Your answers can be in regards to your personality or physical attributes. This is going to be fun!

Sunday, December 11, 2005


Well, today was my last day working at Little Hills Christmas tree farm; I'm holding back the tears. Have you ever had one of those jobs that just made you smile. I mean I was getting paid to hangout with 2 of my best friends and like a zillion other people to joke around with and harass. I'll miss the inside jokes, terrible inuendos, and above all Sandy's pepermint bark! I suppose you could say that job encapsulated youth; not childhood. We had to be knowledgeable and responsible, but we didn't take eachother too seriously. Alright now I want to commemorate all of my co-workers (sorry if this bores my other readers you really did just have to be there):

Carol: for always telling us how bad she was at the register when we had to redo entire transactions
Jan: for keeping us company when we had to sit at the door
Sandy: for the cookies of course, but also for reminding us (by us I mean Mary) to stop being so loud. (just kidding MFM I "ove" you)
James Marshall: for drawing me that christmas tree picture and for you're oh so very hot apple cider
James Finnegan: for proving that your middle name actually does exist and just being a sport about everything in general. I still haven't thought of the craziest thing I've done.
Jon: for agreeing that tootsie rolls are gross and that smarties are where it's at! Oh, and for your fabulous middle name
Jamie: for always being the mature one to volunteer to work at the door
Mary: for being my accomplice in antagonizing Alexis
Alexis( I saved you for last): for putting up with me in my "funk" and being a wonderful and dependable friend in general. I wouldn't have wanted to work with anyone else!

To all of these people and the many others I didn't get to know quite as well I salute you. Enjoy your own holiday season though for me at least it seems like I will enjoy two this year one of which has just ended. I will take the memories of the carolina saphire, montery pines, and noble firs to the grave or at least until next year when I can replace them with new ones.

And to the rest of you who neither know nor care about any of the stuff I've just written about, I hope and pray that all of you will get to enjoy a work experience like this one; I certainly couldn't have asked for anything better.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Another post

I just wanted to mention a few things that have made me happy lately. First and fore most I went to Banana Rebulic and bought clothes. Well actually I returned clothes that someone else bought me and picked out other things. No I'm not incredibly shallow, the clothes didn't fit well so I would have had to return them even if I had wanted those things. Actually my mom bought me the clothes, I think she was trying to cheer me up, but whatever the reason I'm not entirely sure what possessed her to buy ME a style of pants with "curvy" in the title. Lets just say that I'm severely lacking in the hip department at least as far as any clothing designer is concerened and I'm perfectly happy about that, but these things looked like parachute pants on me, think throw back to MC Hammer and just the 80's in general. Funny really. The next think that made me smile was something I did during my procrastination hours this afternoon. I was channel surfing and yes I admit I turned to MTV and even worse I remained there and more terrible yet it was a reality show! Actually it was true life: I'm a professional gamer; and far more interesting than you might imagine. I've never been into the whole gaming thing but I'm long past the point of thinking it completely illegitimate. I have no talent for it whatsoever and perhaps I don't condone the lifestyle, but I'll admit it isn't easy. Anyhow these people are nuts! Training for 11 hours a day for weeks on end, traveling around the world for tournaments, and THEN they get paid a whole heck of a lot of money too! It baffles me, truly! You would think that with all the new games that come out all the time these professionals couldn't last very long, but they do, that sort of confuses me; don't people get sick of the same games? Whatever I'm going to leave it alone. More power to all the people who do things a little bit differently, I know I sure do!

AM Blues...

It's 1:25 am and I am still awake. I have class at 7:30am in Santa Rosa, I love sleep way too much for this. I've had all day, well like the past month really, to write this philosphy essay and I just finished. It wasn't even very hard though I'm not certain it's what he wants, I just didn't do it. I sat at my computer opened and named a Word file and then after minimizing the window explored the web for nothing in particular. I skimmed countless xanga sites and wrote e-mails relentlessly. Oh! what I've been doing lately to aid me in procratination is taking showers. No the showers themselves are not the new events (I'm a very clean person just so we're clear) but even if I've already showered that day I just do it to kill time. It's kinda nice and honestly I do feel more energized to write, create and solve afterwards. I'm a horrific procrastinator most times though every once in a while I just get everything done and I have this tremendous amount of carefree (keyword) free time. Though allow me to add that my work is never quite as good if I haven't been preasured to do it; if anyone has any psycological insights as to why this may be the case please enlighten me. I think I might write another post before turning in. hmmm.....

Wednesday, December 07, 2005


It will never cease to amaze me just how strange the human race is....really! Not a day goes by that I don't, at some point find myself staring at someone in utter disbelief. I can only imagine how many similar stares I receive each day especially now that I've purposed not to care who the heck sees me passionately "singing" along to cliche, mainstream music in my car. I decieded that I wasn't going to allow random people to encroach on my opportunity to brighten my day, and that's that! Anyway back to the point PEOPLE ARE WEIRD. All of us! Take for instance the iPod, or any personal music device. Red Flag: You walk around listening to voices that no one else can hear, Fire Alarm : you're resisting powerful urges to breakout into song and dance, and you are all but cut off from everything that is going on around you... alright just notify the men in the white coats! I can't be the only one who hasn't thought of this. What happened to casual conversation? I for one am totally freaked out by it now. I was doing some reading during my break and this girl I was sitting near asked me what class I was taking. (long pause) I prevented myself from looking as bewildered as a I felt, gathered my composure and mustered up my very articulate answer of, "Math" I shouldn't have felt it odd that she was talking to me but I've been conditioned to feel so, I BLAME THE GOVERNMENT! No not really, George Orwell's fantasties haven't been realized yet, but I do think social interactions have changed drastically. This is a bit of a stretch, but how is it that we live is a society that give casual sex the go ahead but casual conversation the bewildered glare? It's all just very perplexing to me. I don't go around making conversation with everybody, but is there something wrong with acknowledgeing the presense of a member of your species, good grief I've gotten death glares for smiling on my way to class; I suppose I should submit my formal apology here: So sorry if my being cordial has encroached upon anyone's gloom; oh so terribly sorry!