Thursday, December 08, 2005

AM Blues...

It's 1:25 am and I am still awake. I have class at 7:30am in Santa Rosa, I love sleep way too much for this. I've had all day, well like the past month really, to write this philosphy essay and I just finished. It wasn't even very hard though I'm not certain it's what he wants, I just didn't do it. I sat at my computer opened and named a Word file and then after minimizing the window explored the web for nothing in particular. I skimmed countless xanga sites and wrote e-mails relentlessly. Oh! what I've been doing lately to aid me in procratination is taking showers. No the showers themselves are not the new events (I'm a very clean person just so we're clear) but even if I've already showered that day I just do it to kill time. It's kinda nice and honestly I do feel more energized to write, create and solve afterwards. I'm a horrific procrastinator most times though every once in a while I just get everything done and I have this tremendous amount of carefree (keyword) free time. Though allow me to add that my work is never quite as good if I haven't been preasured to do it; if anyone has any psycological insights as to why this may be the case please enlighten me. I think I might write another post before turning in. hmmm.....


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