Thursday, February 16, 2006

Luge vs. Lyrics

So apparently the olympics are losing viewers to the all consuming American Idol, which I find entirely hilarious! Come now people just imagine how these olympians would feel knowing that their lifetime of dedication, determination, and ...... (I need another 'd' word)... DILIGENCE! (that works)are being disregarded in the name of skantily clad "singer/songwriters/aspiring models" and metrosexuals. I really can't say much about it seeing as I've never caught a single episode of American Idol and all I know about the current winter games are a few of the crazy injuries; this is pretty much just another example of how the human race never ceases to baffle me. Perhaps if American Idol could be likened unto the singing olmypics I would be able to wrap my head around this one however "ethnically diverse" though their panel of judges may be I hardly think that Simon Cowell, Randy Jackson, and Paula Abdul in any manner represent any country, provence, or the like. People, people, people.... I suppose it could always be worse

Hold on a sec, shhh.... did you hear that? It's the human condition. He says he's here to stay.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The summer Olymipics are much, much better. However I do find it pretty funny that American Idol is more popular than the winter Olympics. I don't watch Amertican Idol, but Simon Cowell rocks.


8:03 PM  

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